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Eb 2024: nézze meg micsoda bombagóllal egyenlítettek a kazahok - NS. Végül a kazahok három perccel később Abat Ajmbetov fejesével a győzelmet is megszerezték, ami bátran tekinthető a kazah labdarúgás legjelentősebb sikerének - az eddigi prímet a szlovákok tavalyi 2-1-es legyőzése, előtte pedig a skótok elleni 2019-es, 3-0-s Eb-selejtezős győzelem vitte.. Foci Kazahsztán, élő kazah foci eredmények - Eredmenyek.com. Nagyon gyorsan frissülő (ÉLŐ) kazah foci eredmények, rész- és végeredmények. Tabellák, gólértesítő, gólszerzők, testreszabhatóság és további livescore funkciók. A foci/Kazahsztán szekcióban élőben követheted Kazahsztán bajnokságait, a kazah kupát és számos további jelentős versenysorozatot.. Eb 2024: drámai fordítás, a kazahok idegenben nyertek a finnek elle. Kazahsztán 2-1-re legyőzte Finnországot idegenben a labdarúgó Európa-bajnoki selejtezősorozat 8. fordulójában a H-csoportban. Jól kezdtek a finnek, a 28. percben az Inter Miami futballistája, Robert Taylor megszerezte a vezetést. A hazaiak egy góllal vezettek a szünetben, és sokáig úgy nézett ki, hogy akár nyerhetnek.. 3000 km-t utazott a Fradi a kazah bajnok elleni BL-selejtezőre, nem .. Elkezdte az európai kupaszereplést a Ferencváros, a kazah bajnok Tobol elleni meccsre több mint 3000 km-t utazott Sztanyiszlav Csercseszov együttese. A győzelem nem lett meg, Budapesten dől majd el a továbbjutás.. Kazah Kupa 2021 meccsek - Foci/Kazahsztán - Eredmenyek.com. Itt megtalálhatod a(z) Kazah Kupa 2021 sorsolását, a holnapi meccsek listáját és a teljes Kazah Kupa 2021 szezon menetrendjét. Kazah Kupa 2021 menetrend, Kazah Kupa 2021 sorsolás, hátralévő meccsek. Ekl-playoff: az FTC volt játékosa győztes gólt szerzett a kazah csa. A kazah csapatban a Ferencváros volt játékosa, Stjepan Loncar volt eredményes. A Debreceni VSC-t búcsúztató Rapid Wien 1-0-ra nyert a Fiorentina ellen. A hosszabbításban bukta el a győzelmet az Eintracht Frankfurt a Levszki Szófia vendégeként. Loncar volt a hős az Asztanában (Fotó: Facebook/FC Astana). Eb 2024: Szlovénia legyőzte Kazahsztánt, mehet Németországba. LABDARÚGÓ EB 2024 SELEJTEZŐ, CSOPORTKÖR 10. (UTOLSÓ) FORDULÓ H-CSOPORT Észak-Írország-Dánia 2-0 (0-0) Belfast. G: Price (60.), Charles (81.) San Marino-Finnország 1-2 (0-0) Serravalle. G: Berardi (90+8. - 11-esből), ill. Soiri (50., 58.) Szlovénia-Kazahsztán 2-1 (1-0) Ljubljana.. Telex: Délutáni meccsel kezdi a Fradi a BL-selejtezőt a kazah Tobol .. Délutáni meccsel kezdi a Fradi a BL-selejtezőt a kazah Tobol Kosztanaj ellen. Az időeltolódás miatt szokatlan, magyar idő szerint délutáni időpontban kezdi meg a Bajnokok Ligája-selejtezőjét a magyar bajnok Ferencváros, amely július 6-án a kazah Tobol Kosztanaj otthonába látogat majd. Itthon délután 4-től lesz látható ez .. Ötvenkét csapat közül kerülne a Fradi a legjobb négybe. Hajnal Tamás, a Ferencváros sportigazgatója adott helyzetelemzést a csapatról, a labdarúgás európai tendenciáiról a kazah Tobol elleni mai visszavágó (20.00, tv: M4 Sport) előtt. 7°C Szilveszter 2023. december 31.. Kazahsztán - Finnország Összefoglaló: Labdarúgás gólok & Összefoglalók. Kazahsztán - Finnország Összefoglaló: Labdarúgás gólok & Összefoglalók Kazahsztán - Finnország Összefoglaló UEFA Európa-bajnoki-selejtező / Matchday 5 Asztana Aréna / 07.09.2023 Kazahsztán Befejezett 0 1 Finnország O. Antman (79) Összefoglaló Statisztikák Összeállítás Tabellák Hírek Kapcsolódó mérkőzések Hirdetés Ad Összefoglaló. 88 perc alatt búcsúztatta Zverevet a kazah srác, egy meccsre van az .. 88 perc alatt búcsúztatta Zverevet a kazah srác, egy meccsre van az első füves pályás tornagyőzelme

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Jégkorong: Kazah Kupa 2023 élőben - eredmények, meccsek, tabellák - Livesport.com Jégkorong, Kazahsztán: Kazah Kupa 2023 élő eredmények, meccsek, tabellák Jégkorong Kazahsztán Kazah Kupa 2023 Összegzés Eredmények Meccsek Tabella Archívum Legfrissebb eredmények KAZAHSZTÁNKazah Kupa - Play Off 1/2. Kazah csapat győzte le a Vasast - NB1, NB2, NB3 FOCI. Vereséggel indította a Vasas FC a téli edzőtábort a kazah Yelimay ellen. Sérülések és sorozatterhelés miatt Litauszki, Doktorics, Otigba, Ódor, Holender, Friss hírek . Összefoglaló és teljes meccs NB2 [ 2024.01.14

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. ] A Besiktas csapatánál folytatja Pusztai Sára Női NB1 Keresés: NB1, NB2, NB3 FOCI. Hajnal: „Komoly célokkal indulunk, de tudjuk, hogy keményen meg kell .. A kazah meccs előtti két napra meg volt az előre meghatározott ritmusunk, a csapat programja. Ezt követően hétfő hajnalban szóltak, hogy korábban kell kimennünk a repülőtérre, így a hétfői, budapesti edzést lemondtuk. Végül az indulásunk nem is változott, de sok mindent borított a programváltozás. .. Magyar-kazah női kézilabda-vb-meccs közvetítése percről percre. Magyarország-Kazahsztán - Magabiztos győzelemmel kezdte világbajnoki szereplését Japánban a magyar női kézilabda-válogatott. 39-15-re győzték le Kazahsztánt: az első félidőben 22-8 volt, a második játékrészt pedig 17-7-re hozták kéziseink. A magyar csapat két legeredményesebb játékosa Schatzl Nadine és Márton Gréta .. A szurkolók már rohadtul unják, Csányi és Orbán nem. Futball kazahsztán kazah égés georges leekens A szurkolók már rohadtul unják, Csányi és Orbán nem Ághassi Attila 2018.03.24. 08:41 Kövesse az Indexet Facebookon is! További Futball cikkek Tovább a rovatra Georges Leekenst 2017. januárban küldték el Algériából, mert ötből egy meccset nyert. Csányi októberben őt tartotta a legalkalmasabbnak.. Kazah Premier League tabella - Foci/Kazahsztán - Eredmenyek.com. Kazah Premier League tabella - összesített, hazai/vendég tabellák BELÉPÉS Kedvencek Foci Jégkorong Kosárlabda Tenisz Kézilabda Vízilabda Darts Snooker Foci Kazahsztán Premier League 2023 Összegzés Eredmények Meccsek Tabella Archívum Kazahsztán Premier League Első osztály Kazah Kupa Szuperkupa Kitűzött versenysorozatok Premier League Ligue 1. Kazah Premier League eredmények, Foci Kazahsztán - Eredmenyek.com. Kazah Premier League eredmények, Foci Kazahsztán - Eredmenyek.com Foci Kazahsztán Premier League 2023 Összegzés Eredmények Meccsek Tabella Archívum Legfrissebb eredmények KAZAHSZTÁNPremier League Tabella 26. forduló 29.10. 04:00 Aktobe Zsetiszu 2 2 (1) (2) 29.10. 04:00 Kaszpij Aktau Ordabaszi 1 0 (0) (0) 29.10. 04:00 Okzsetpesz Makhtaaral 1 1 (0)


Kaaba Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images. Browse 6,580 authentic kaaba stock photos, high-res images, and pictures, or explore additional holy kaaba or kaaba empty stock images to find the right photo at the right size and resolution for your project. Browse Getty Images premium collection of high-quality, authentic Kaaba stock photos, royalty-free images, and pictures.. The Story of Kabah - The Sacred House of God | About Islam. The Story of the Kabah. The Kabah is the holiest site in Islam, and it is the qiblah, the direction Muslims face when praying. It is called the Kabah because of its shape; cube in the Arabic language is kab . Sometimes the Kabah is called Al Bait Al Atiq, or the emancipated house, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that this .. The story behind Abrahams shrine at the Kaaba - Al Arabiya. Mohi Eddine Hashemi, researcher in the affairs of the Two Holy Mosques in Saudi Arabia, explained that God brought down to Prophets Ishmael and Abraham the black stone and the shrine from paradise .. Kaaba in Mecca - The Religious Significance of Kaaba. The yearly journey to the Kaaba in Mecca is referred to as Hajj, and it represents one of Islams most important religious observances. All physically fit Muslims who are capable of paying for the journey must perform Hajj at least once in their lives. It is held from the 8th to the 13th of the month.. Inside Islams holiest site, the Kaaba - YouTube. Have you ever wondered what is inside the Kaaba?_______________________Like us on Facebook: ww.facebook.com/alarabiya.englishFollow us on Twitter: h.. Masjid al-Haram and the Kaaba • Mecca. Masjid al-Haram was built around the Kaaba. It is also the largest mosque in the world. It was first built under the leadership of the Caliph Omar Ibn al-Khattab (634-644) and has been modified continuously under several Muslim rulers. Omar, the first Caliph, ordered the demolition of some houses surrounding the Kaaba in order to accommodate .. New images of Kaabas Black Stone of Mecca released | CNN. Courtesy General Presidency of the Two Holy Mosques. CNN —. High resolution photos have been revealed for the first time of an ancient religious stone in Mecca, Islams holy city, a Saudi .. Year of the Elephant - Wikipedia. The ʿām al-fīl ( Arabic: عام الفيل, Year of the Elephant) is the name in Islamic history for the year approximately equating to 570-571 CE. According to Islamic resources, it was in this year that Muhammad was born. [1] The name is derived from an event said to have occurred at Mecca: Abraha, the Abyssinian, Christian king of .. Kabah Background Photos, Images and Pictures - Shutterstock. It is one of the largest mosques in the world. After Mecca, it is the second most holy mosque in Islam. Find Kabah Background stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, 3D objects, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. Thousands of new, high-quality pictures added every day.. Kiswah - Wikipedia. Kiswah. Kiswa ( Arabic: كسوة الكعبة, kiswat al-kabah) is the cloth that covers the Kaaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is draped annually on the 9th day of the month of Dhu al-Hijjah, the day pilgrims leave for the plains of Mount Arafat during the Hajj. [1] A procession traditionally accompanies the kiswa to Mecca, a tradition dating .. Black Stone of Mecca | Sacred Stone, Islamic Pilgrimage, Kaaba. Black Stone of Mecca, Muslim object of veneration, built into the eastern wall of the Kaʿbah (small shrine within the Great Mosque of Mecca) and probably dating from the pre-Islamic religion of the Arabs


It now consists of three large pieces and some fragments, surrounded by a stone ring and held together with a silver band.. Inside the Kaaba: the centre of Islams most sacred place of worship. The Kaaba is believed to have been built in honour of God by the Prophet Abraham and his son Ismael. Centuries later, however, local pre-Islamic polytheistic groups began worshipping at the .. Kabah (Maya site) - Wikipedia. Kabah (also spelled Kabaah, Kabáh, Kahbah and Kaba) is a Maya archaeological site in the Puuc region of western Yucatan, south of Mérida . Kabah is south of Uxmal, connected to that site by an 18 kilometres (11 miles) long raised causeway 5 metres (16 feet) wide with monumental arches at each end. Kabah is the second largest ruin of the Puuc .. Kabah Mecca Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images. Browse 474 kabah mecca photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more photos and images. Browse Getty Images premium collection of high-quality, authentic Kabah Mecca stock photos, royalty-free images, and pictures. Kabah Mecca stock photos are available in a variety of sizes and formats to fit your needs.. 10 Facts About the Kabah That Will Surprise You | About Islam. 2. The Black Stone is not a Single Piece. The Black Stone is the sacred stone attached to the southeastern cornerstone of the Kabah. The Stone is 30 centimeters in diameter and is about 1.5 meters off the ground. The Black Stone was originally in one piece but was broken during various raids like the Qarmatian raid in 930 AD.

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. The Kaaba, Mecca, Saudi Arabia - LatLong. The latitude of The Kaaba, Mecca, Saudi Arabia is 21.422487 , and the longitude is 39.826206 . The Kaaba, Mecca, Saudi Arabia is located at Saudi Arabia country in the Religious Centers place category with the gps coordinates of 21° 25 20.9532 N and 39° 49 34.3416 E. Coordinates of The Kaaba, Mecca, Saudi Arabia is given above in both .. Why Muslims Walk Around The Kaaba in the Haram Mosque in Mecca.. Either in the pilgrimage or simply during a visit to the Haram Mosque, Muslims receive great benefits by ceremoniously walking around the Kabaa. Men, women, and children will circumambulate the Kaaba seven times in an anticlockwise fashion.This is called Tawaf.This repeated circling begins at the corner of the Kaaba where the Black Stone (al-Ḥajar al-Aswad .. THE 10 CLOSEST Hotels to Kaaba, Mecca - Tripadvisor. Nearest accommodation. 0.03 mi. Hotels near Kaaba, Mecca on Tripadvisor: Find 40,592 traveler reviews, 24,510 candid photos, and prices for 1,448 hotels near Kaaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.. Kabah - WikiIslam. The Kaaba (الكعبة, lit

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. "the Cube") is the holiest mosque in Islam located in Mecca (Muhammads city of birth) and is figuratively known as the "House of God" (or Bayt Allah بيت الله, lit."House of Allah"). Another name for the Kaaba is Masjid al-Haram مسجد الحرام, which means "Mosque of the sanctuary", where "the sanctuary" is the name for the part of the city of .. Kabah Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images. Browse Getty Images premium collection of high-quality, authentic Kabah stock photos, royalty-free images, and pictures. Kabah stock photos are available in a variety of sizes and formats to fit your needs.. Zamzam Well - Wikipedia. The Zamzam Well (Arabic: بئر زمزم, romanized: Biʾru Zamzam Arabic pronunciation: [biʔru zam.zam]) is a well located within the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.It is located 20 m (66 ft) east of the Kaaba, the holiest place in Islam. According to Islamic narratives, the well is a miraculously generated source of water, which opened up thousands of years ago when the son of .. Abraha - Wikipedia. Abraha (Geez: አብርሃ) (also spelled Abreha, died presumably in 570 CE), also known as Abrahah al-Ashram (Arabic: أَبْرَهَة ٱلْأَشْرَم), was a viceroy for the Kingdom of Aksum who ruled Yemen and much of modern Saudi Arabia in the 6th century CE. He is famous for his attempt to destroy the Kaaba, a revered religious site in Mecca, using an army that included war .. The Cube of Mecca, aka the Kabah | Its All About Muhammad. THE KABAH IS THE NAME used for the temple of Mecca. It means Cube, a nickname it acquired in A.D. 605 after it was rebuilt because of flood damage. Muhammad, who at that time was 35 years old, was part of the construction crew. Prior to the reconstruction the temple was nothing more than a rectangular wall above the height of a man, and .. Live HD Webcam Stream of the Great Mosque of Mecca. Live stream views of the Great Mosque of Mecca, Al-Masjid al-Haram, in Saudi Arabia. The largest mosque in the world has as centrepiece Islams most sacred shrine, the Kaaba, a stone cubic structure covered with black cloth that is considered the House of Allah. It is precisely in this direction that all Muslims should pray, no matter what .. Kabah Islamic Interpretations & Meanings - myIslamicDream. Kabah Dream Explanation — The holy Kabah in a dream also represents ones prayers, for it is the focal point of all praying Muslims. The holy Kabah in a dream also represents Allahs House, a mosque, a community center of all Muslims, and it represents a teacher, a guide, Islam, the holy Quran, the prophetic traditions, ones son, a religious scholar, a sheikh, a master, a husband, ones .. Kaaba Renovation: Updates on Repair Work and Progress in Makkah

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. The renovation work is progressing completely under cover around the Kaaba. The construction work will continue in the coming days. Repair work started in the Holy Kaaba from early morning. The construction work is progressing around the Kaaba, which is so high that it cannot be seen inside. Hijr Ismael on the north side of the Kaaba will also .. Kaaba Mecca Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images. Browse 6,399 authentic kaaba mecca stock photos, high-res images, and pictures, or explore additional hajj or mosque stock images to find the right photo at the right size and resolution for your project. hajj. mosque. kabah. medina mosque.. Holy Kaaba Islamic Interpretations & Meanings - myIslamicDream. Holy Kaaba dream interpretations. Holy Book Dream Explanation — Reading from the Holy Book before Allahs Prophet, Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam, in a dream means that one will commit himself to memorizing it. Eating the pages of the Holy Book in a dream means accepting bribes. If a layman eats the pages of the Holy Book, or few lines from some .. Spiritual journey revival: Hajj returns to Mecca in force. Over 2 million Muslims will take part in this weeks Hajj pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, as one of the worlds largest religious gatherings returns to full capacity .. Al Haram Mosque Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images

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. Browse 7,002 authentic al haram mosque stock photos, high-res images, and pictures, or explore additional mecca or madinah stock images to find the right photo at the right size and resolution for your project.. 8,000+ Kaaba Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock. Search from Kaaba stock photos, pictures and royalty-free images from iStock. Find high-quality stock photos that you wont find anywhere else.. Changing the Qiblah from Jerusalem to Makkah: Why?. The qiblah was changed from Jerusalem to the Kabah in Makkah for the Kabah is the first and most ancient House of Worship ever built for all humankind for the purpose of worshipping Almighty Allah alone, as stated in the Quran. Almighty Allah says: "The first House [of worship] appointed for humankind was that at Bakkah: Full of blessing and .. Kaaba Map - Place of worship - Mecca Region, Saudi Arabia - Mapcarta. The Kaaba, also spelled Kaba, Kabah or Kabah, sometimes referred to as al-Kaba al-Musharrafa, is a stone building at the center of Islams most important mosque and holiest site, the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Photo: Aiman titi, CC BY-SA 3.0. Photo: Wikimedia, CC BY 4.0.. FACT CHECK: Was a Shivling unveiled in Mecca? - Times of India. The image has been going viral with this claim since 2015

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. TRUTH. No Shivling was discovered in Mecca. The viral image shows Rukan Yamani (The Yemeni Corner). It is one of the 4 corners of Kabah .. Hajj (article) | Islam | Khan Academy. Hajj involves a series of rituals that take place in and around Mecca over a period of five to six days. The first of these is tawaf in which pilgrims walk around the Kaba seven times in an anti-clockwise direction. Muslims believe that the rituals of Hajj have their origin in the time of the prophet Ibrahim (Abraham).. Kaaba (Interior) - Madain Project (en)


Kaaba (Interior) By the Editors of the Madain Project. The interior of Kabah (الكعبة في الداخل), also spelled Kaaba, is relatively simpler as compared to the rest of the mosque complex. Most recently the interior of the Kabah was renovated in 1996 CE. The area of the Kaabas interior is about 180 square meters.. The Story of the Man Who Attempted to Destroy Kabah. On his expedition he succeeded in defeating all the Arab armies until he reached Mecca

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. As Abrahahs armies approached the city, God intervened. It is said that the lead elephant sat down and refused to move towards the city. The elephant trainers tried all they could to make the elephant move but he refused.. 10 Major Signs of Doomsday - End of the world in Islam - Wonderslist. 9

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. The fire will begin. Almost last amongst the major signs of Doomsday. According to Hadith, the trumpet blow will be sounded, the dead will return to life. And there will be a huge fire in Yemen, the fire would cause the people gather to the meeting place (Mahshar Al Qiyamah, The Gathering for Judgment). 10.. Saudi Arabia releases first-ever photos of holy Kaaba stone. The images are up to 49,000 megapixels in size and took more than 50 hours to photograph and develop, the religious agency said. The stone, which Islamic tradition holds fell at the time of Adam .. 1979: Remembering The Siege Of Mecca : NPR. Yaroslav Trofimov, a reporter with The Wall Street Journal, talks about the 1979 siege of the Grand Mosque at Mecca in Saudi Arabia. It is the holiest site in Islam, and gunmen held it for two weeks.. The Kabah - The House of Allah - IslamicLandmarks.com. The Kabah, also known as Baytullah (The House of Allah) is the first house built for humanity to worship Allah (ﷻ). The small, cubed building may not rival other famous buildings in terms of size but its impact on history and human beings is unmatched. It functions as the Qibla, the direction to which all Muslims pray five times a day.. Mecca | History, Pilgrimage, Population, Map, & Facts. Mecca is situated at an elevation of 909 feet (277 metres) above sea level in the dry beds of the Wadi Ibrāhīm and several of its short tributaries


It is surrounded by the Ṣirāt Mountains, the peaks of which include Mount (Jabal) Ajyad, which rises to 1,332 feet, and Mount Abū Qubays, which attains 1,220 feet, to the east and Mount Quʿayqʿān, which reaches 1,401 feet, to the west.. Qibla Direction | Qibla Locator | Qibla Compass & Finder. Qibla also knew as Kaaba, It is situated in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is necessary to face Qibla during prayer in Islam. All the Muslims across the world face Qibla while offering prayer, no matter where they are. The direction of Qibla can be found throw the compass, latitude, and longitude or the Qibla indicator/ Qibla Locator.. Live Stream from Mecca. In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds; Most Gracious, Most Merciful; Master of the Day of Judgment. You do we worship, and Your aid do we seek. Surah Al-Fatiha 1:2-5. Watch Mecca Live. Listen to recitations of the Quran during live prayers in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.. 4,838 Kaaba Stock Photos - Free & Royalty-Free Stock . - Dreamstime. Browse 4,838 professional kaaba stock photos, images & pictures available royalty-free. Download Kaaba stock photos. Free or royalty-free photos and images. Use them in commercial designs under lifetime, perpetual & worldwide rights. Dreamstime is the world`s largest stock photography community.. Inside the Kabah - IslamicLandmarks.com. Inside the Kabah were statues of Ebrahim (عليه السلام) and Ismail (عليه السلام), along with pictures of angels and a picture of Ebrahim (عليه السلام) with divining arrows in his hand. It has also been reported that there was an icon painting of the Virgin Mary and the child Christ which had been done by a Christian.. Islam Flashcards | Quizlet. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Muhammad was born and raised in A) Marrakesh. B) Medina. C) Mysore. D) Mecca., A remembrance of what Muhammad said or did is called A) caliph. B) hadith. C) Shia. D) Hajj., At the Kabah, which object is venerated? A) A copy of the Quran written by Ali B) A robe worn by prophet Muhammad C) A meteorite D) A cup that Muhammad gave ..